June 15

How to alleviate shoulder pain?


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Shoulder Pain Specialist in St. Petersburg, FL

Shoulder pain is one of the most common types of pain problems. A good shoulder allows for a wide range of motion, such as easily scratching your back or lifting your arm. When there is an increased instability of the soft tissue or bony structure, it results in shoulder pain. 

Proper chiropractor care can help alleviate shoulder pain and restore full functionality. Dr. Kelly Mulhern and the experienced staff at Thrive Wellness Center in St. Petersburg, Florida, can get your shoulders moving again with non-invasive and effective chiropractic treatment options. 

Common Causes of Shoulder Pain in St. Petersburg, FL

Shoulders, in general, are susceptible to a lot of wear and tear, which may lead to shoulder joint pain. It could be caused by a degenerative disorder, such as Arthritis, or injuries which can negatively affect the rotator cuff including athletic injuries and automobile accidents. 

Shoulder Injury Symptoms

Shoulder pain injuries should be monitored closely. If your shoulder pain comes and goes, has lasted continuously for more than a week, you have consistent neck pain and upper back pain, you cannot lift your arm above your heard or have any visual bruising or other abnormalities, you should seek chiropractic treatment. 

Some other shoulder pain symptoms include strains, tendonitis, rotator cuff injury, frozen shoulder, and a dislocated shoulder.

Shoulder pain can become problematic when it hinders your day to day activities and does require proper treatment. Common causes of shoulder pain vary person to person but whether your pain started overnight or has gradually gotten worse, taking proper care of your muscles and tendons is necessary.

St. Petersburg Shoulder Pain Treatments

We at Thrive Wellness Center, St. Petersburg, FL specialize in treating shoulder pain. Whether the reason for your shoulder pain is tendon inflammation, arthritis, or general inflammation, with our proper chiropractic care, your shoulder joint can return to normal function, and lifting your arm will no longer be a problem. 

During our comprehensive examination, we will evaluate your condition starting from the spine, concentrating on the neck and upper back region and look for any spinal misalignments around the shoulder. After evaluating the neck and upper back areas, we’ll set an effective treatment plan for your exact cause of shoulder pain. We are fully equipped and trained in cutting edge technology to help ease your shoulder pain and help you gain your shoulder range of motion and strength.

Sometimes, the shoulder pains or injuries can be fixed by proper re-alignment of the joints which provides relief to the joints and decreases further damage. However, depending on the specific problem, chiropractic care can be combined with other treatment methods to treat shoulder pain. Some of these methods that we perform at our St. Petersburg location to treat shoulder pain include stretches, exercises, IV nutrition, chiropractic care, deep tissue laser treatments, platelet-rich plasma, and Regenerative Cellular Therapy (stem cells, for example). 

At Thrive Wellness Center, St. Peterburg, our mission is to help as many people as possible live longer, happier, and healthier lives without pain, drugs, or surgery. 

Don’t let shoulder pain or injury stop you from doing the things you love. To find out more about getting fast relief from your sore shoulder pain, call 727-456-9220, or schedule an appointment at Thrive Wellness Center, St. Petersburg.



Chiropractic Care, Shoulder Pain

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