“I can’t play with my grand-kids the way I want to.”
“My joint pain restricts the activities I can do, and I have less enjoyment in life.”
“I haven’t been able to play golf in years.”
“In my head, I’m still 35…but my body tells me differently every time I play tennis.”
“I’m embarrassed by the limitations I now have because of my joint pain.”
Do any of the above sound familiar? We’ve helped countless patients with complaints like these reduce or eliminate their joint pain in our St. Petersburg office.
While it’s likely that almost everyone experiences mild joint pain at some time in their life, there are millions of Americans who are plagued by severe daily joint pain. This joint pain can be described as 6/10 or higher on the pain scale, and significantly impacts activities. Commonly, people turn to over-the-counter medications, prescription medications, steroid injections, or even surgery to manage their joint pain…but there are safe, effective, natural options available.
Stop suffering with joint pain!
Take a moment to remember what your life was like before your joint pain. How spontaneous were you? What activities, sports, or hobbies did you enjoy? How much more energy did you have? Since your joint pain began, has it continued to worsen over time? Now imagine what life could be like again without joint pain. Imagine having more energy…more spontaneity…more activity…and more fun. Let us help you make that your reality!
Causes of Joint Pain:
Joint pain can be caused by many things, such as:
- Arthritis
- Sport Injury
- Car Crash
- Slip or Fall
- Gout
- Nerve Compression
- Spinal Stenosis
- Repetitive Movements
- Tendinitis
- Illnesses
- Poor Posture
- Cartilage Damage
- Pathology
Joint Pain Relief:
Long-term relief of joint pain can only occur after a proper diagnosis. During our complimentary consultation, our team will perform a comprehensive medical history to determine the root cause of your joint pain.
Once we know the cause of your joint pain, we can map out a customized plan to bring you rapid and long-lasting relief. Why rely on over-the-counter or prescription medications or injections that simply mask the problem while allowing it to get worse while potentially damaging your GI system, liver, kidneys, and more? Why undergo painful, invasive, and expensive surgeries with lengthy recovery times? Allow us to recommend natural, safe, and effective options to address your joint pain.
Joint Pain Treatment:
We have a multitude of natural joint pain treatment options available in our St. Petersburg office. Some of the available treatments include:
Chiropractic Care: You can set up a consultation with a St. Petersburg FL chiropractor here. If your joint pain is caused by joint restriction, misalignment, or imbalance, gentle chiropractic adjustments can restore mobility, reduce misalignment, and encourage balance in your body. While most people wouldn’t drive their vehicle on misaligned tires, they think nothing of going months, years, or decades between chiropractic alignments! This causes muscular imbalances and uneven wear-and-tear of your tissues. We often combine “traditional” chiropractic techniques with cutting-edge treatments, such as “floating” traction in our ProTec Spine chair.
Deep Tissue Laser Therapy: Similar to plants changing sunlight into energy the plant can use through the process of photosynthesis, we can stimulate your cells to make more cellular energy by bathing them in specific wavelengths of light. During this process, you feel a relaxing warmth – like sunlight on your skin. Deep Tissue Laser Therapy (termed “Photo-Bio-Modulation” or PBM) can decrease inflammation, increase circulation, stimulate cellular repair, and reduce pain.
Regenerative Medicine: If your joint has been eroded or damaged, you may need more advanced therapy. Regenerative Medicine is the field of molecular biology that deals with repairing and regenerating cells and tissues and encompasses multiple types of treatments.
If you’ve decided to stop taking medication…don’t want to have painful and invasive surgery…and are ready to reclaim your life from joint pain, call us today to see how we can help!
Our mission is to help as many people as possible live longer, happier, and healthier lives without pain, drugs, or surgery. We invite you to call our office for a free consultation regarding our cutting-edge treatment options for joint pain in St. Petersburg. We’ve helped many patients in the Greater St. Petersburg area, and we hope you’ll give us a chance to help you.
Choose How We Can Help

Chronic Health Issues
Overcome issues such as headaches, digestive problems, diabetes, fatigue, or other long-standing health concerns with nutrition, supplements, and other natural and holistic solutions.

Aging Gracefully
Reverse wrinkles, hair loss, erectile dysfunction, peripheral neuropathy, degenerative joints, and other issues associated with aging with Regenerative Cellular Therapies, PRP, Nutritional IVs, and more.

Physical Pain or Injury
Resolve acute or chronic pain with a combination of Chiropractic Care and advanced assessment and treatment techniques—such as ProTecSpine and Deep-Tissue Laser Therapy.

Recovering Lost Function
Recover your natural range of motion and flexibility with the latest techniques in Physiotherapy and Functional Movement Therapy.