Erectile Dysfunction – ED
The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health has stated that ED impacts 10% of men per decade of life. This means that 30% of men in their 30s, 40% of men in their 40s, and so on can experience mild to moderate erectile dysfunction.
Erectile dysfunction doesn’t have to define your life!
ED has been defined as an inability to achieve an erection and sustain it through the completion of intercourse, or orgasm. It is a complex issue that can involve the nervous system, circulatory system, endocrine system, and more. Male sexual function has three primary components, any of which can contribute to ED:
We understand that discussing these private concerns can be difficult, and you may feel embarrassed to talk about them. However, if you don’t talk about it, nothing will change. We provide a safe environment in which to have the necessary conversations about sensitive issues.
For decades, men with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and other sexual concerns had little hope for treatment. What treatments were available (such as surgeries and implants) were highly invasive. We’re now thrilled to offer the latest procedure to help men with ED: The P-Shot.
Treating ED
We have developed a proprietary non-surgical protocol created to provide men with lasting improvements in sexual performance. This procedure is safe and effective for men with ED due to health concerns such as an enlarged prostate, diabetes, medications, and surgical side effects.
The Process
Our process begins with taking a small amount of blood from a vein in your arm. This blood is then placed in a centrifuge to “spin down” and separate components of your blood. The plasma, rich in platelets, growth factors, hormones, white blood cells, and other bio-active substances, is placed into a syringe. This Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is then injected into numbed portions of the penis that are critical to the ability to establish and maintain an erection and achieve orgasm. PRP treatments have been shown to increase circulation, increase sensation, and improve the sexual experience. Unlike other invasive treatments, patients report very little discomfort during the procedure. Because the treatment uses your own plasma, it does not trigger an allergic reaction and has virtually no side effects.
How Does the Treatment Work?
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) contains many natural growth and healing factors. These bio-active substances stimulate your body’s innate healing and rejuvenation abilities. The results can include the growth of new blood vessels and improved circulation within the penis, which can lead to more firm erections, increased sensation and enjoyment, and enhanced sexual performance. Some men have reported changes in the length and girth of the penis after receiving this treatment.
Optimal Sexual Wellness:
We develop customized treatment plans that are tailored to your individual needs and concerns. Based on your health and background, your experience may vary, but many men report more firm erections, enhanced libido, increased blood flow, increased sensation, increased vigor, and increased stamina. Treatment options may include other modalities to maintain a healthy lifestyle such as nutritional supplementation, stress management, and exercise.
Erectile dysfunction doesn’t have to be your future! Start by having an open and honest conversation about your specific situation, and let’s see if ED treatment is right for you.
Our mission is to help as many people as possible live longer, happier, and healthier lives without pain, drugs, or surgery. We invite you to call our office for a free consultation regarding our cutting-edge treatment options for erectile dysfunction in St. Petersburg. We’ve helped many patients in the Greater St. Petersburg area, and we hope you’ll give us a chance to help you.
Choose How We Can Help

Chronic Health Issues
Overcome issues such as headaches, digestive problems, diabetes, fatigue, or other long-standing health concerns with nutrition, supplements, and other natural and holistic solutions.

Aging Gracefully
Reverse wrinkles, hair loss, erectile dysfunction, peripheral neuropathy, degenerative joints, and other issues associated with aging with Regenerative Cellular Therapies, PRP, Nutritional IVs, and more.

Physical Pain or Injury
Resolve acute or chronic pain with a combination of Chiropractic Care and advanced assessment and treatment techniques—such as ProTecSpine and Deep-Tissue Laser Therapy.

Recovering Lost Function
Recover your natural range of motion and flexibility with the latest techniques in Physiotherapy and Functional Movement Therapy.